
S3 & Snow

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S3 Cost Savings

Use S3 Select to save on Network and CPU cost

Set LifeCycle roles to move / delete objects - compress object if possible

Enable Requester Pays (pay only for storage) - add the IAM ARN of the client to the policy

Storage Classes - S3

Standard (3 copies) - Frequent data , low latency (BigData, Applications, Content distribution

Infrequent Access (pay on retrieval) - DR - Backup - 30+ days

One Zone - 1 copy (Secondary copy )

Storage Classes - Glacier

Low cost Object storage - pay per storage + retrieval

Instant Retrieval - millisecond access - once a quarter - minimum 90 days

Flexible Retrieval: Expedited (1-5m), Standard (3-5h), Bulk (5-12h)

Deep Archive: Standard (12h), Bulk (48h) 700+ days

Intelligent Tiering (Free - pay only for monitoring) - move objects across classes - 90+ days in standard

Storage Lens

Optimize storage across Organization (apply best practice , find costs) get report in the ORG level

Storage Class Analysis

Recommendations to move objects to the right storage class( not for One Zone IA or Glacier)

a daily report that we can view on QuickSight


Latency: 100 - 200 ms

At least 3500 put / copy / delete - 5500 get : per prefix per second per bucket - no limit on prefix


can use Multi Part upload (recommended 100mb, must use from 5gb and up) to parallelize uploads. use Transfer acceleration (upload only) to use Edge locations to upload data into S3 - can combine.

can remove in-completed parts using Lifecycle policy


use Byte-Range Fetches to parallelize GET requests - but only for parts of data (header of a file)

use S3- Select to query server side SQL filtering (rows and columns)

Event Notification

can trigger SNS/SQS/Lambda for events (replication. created, removed, restored)

can trigger Event Bridge for other services (using JSON rules) , can set multiple destinations

S3 Replication - need to enable versioning

CRR- Cross Region Replication

SRR - Same Region Replication

S3 Access Points

Each point has its own DNS and policy and limit access - need to create a VPC gateway endpoint on the VPC side and link it to the VPC access point - can secure for a specific (VPC/subnet)

To access a bucket from another VPC - manage access at the VPC endpoint level rather then the bucket policy using VPC Origin policy

Can create a Multi-Region Access Point that provides a global endpoint to multiple buckets in multiple regions - will dynamically route traffic including failover

S3 Object Lambda

Associate a GET request to a Lambda function - configure S3 Object Lambda access point

(Good for file conversion or PII detection )


User based security - IAM policy

Resource based policy (bucket Policy)- for cross account access , to force encryption, set conditions

Object ACL - not recommended - use policy

Can block object version deletion

Can set conditions on policies SourceIp | VpcSourceIp | CloudFront Origin

in Glacier - can lock policy for future edits (compliance) WORM

Trusted Advisor for policy assessment

Encryption Keys:

SSE - S3 - managed by AWS

SSE-KMS - get cloud trail audit - good for public buckets ,

SSE-C - costumer managed keys

When uploading an object, S3 applies AES-256 encryption and removes the key from memory. Requests made over HTTP are rejected. Add x-amz-server-side-encryption header with value AES256 to request to specify encryption. Amazon S3 returns the x-amz-server-side-encryption response header to confirm encryption.

Client side - client management keys

Glacier = all data is encrypted by AWS


S3 Access Logs - can be sent to another bucket

Event Bridge - need to enable cloud trail at the object - can trigger Lambda etc’

VPC Gateway Endpoint for S3

To direct connect your VPC to S3 within AWS network

Pre-Signed URL’s

Can generate URL’s for premium download's (valid for 3600 sec - can change)

Object lock / vault lock

WORM (block delete / edit ) for objects = compliance