
Route 53

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Record Types

Ahostname to IPv4
AAAAhostname to IPv6
CNAMEhostname to hostname (not root domain) - create Alice recored
NSHosted Zone
Aliasfor AWS resources (ELB. CloudFront, API, S3 - not EC2 )

* TTL - mandatory

Routing Policies

Simple - for a single record , no health checks - can specify multiple (random will be chosen)

Weighted - control the % going to specific resource + health checks

Latency - lowest latency from us to the region + health checks - can set failover

Failover (Active - Passive) health checks mandatory

Geolocation - based on user location (location / country) - need to create default for no location

Geo proximity - location of users+resources - can set bias using traffic flow

Multi value - up to 8 records - not ELB

Hosted Zones

Container of records to define how to route traffic coming into you public / private records

Can share private zones using VPC peering

To associate an Amazon VPC and a private hosted zone that you created with different AWS accounts, perform the following procedure:

Using the account that created the hosted zone, authorize the association of the VPC with the private hosted zone by using one of the following methods:
  • AWS CLI – using the create-vpc-association-authorization in the AWS CLI
  • Amazon Route 53 API – Using the CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization API
for private zones - must enable VPC DNS and hostname support
can be secured using DNSSEC and MITM and be used use as a 3rd party domain

Health Checks

HTTP for public. for private - use CloudWatch

endpoint monitoring = AWS resource - based value returned

Calculated health check monitoring = other health checks - group health checks into parent

CloudWatch health check = full control (dynamo , RDS)

Resolvers & Hybrid DNS

For hybrid DNS resolving (peered VPC or On Premises) - use Resolver Endpoint :

Inbound Endpoint - to forward DNS queries from external networks to Route 53

Outbound Endpoint -to forward DNS queries to your on premises DNS

Created at the region level in two AZ for HA, up to 10k queries per IP per second

can set Forwarding rules to control forwarding based on rules

Route 53 Resolver

create private DNS resolution