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AWS Grant permissions to IAM Users based on their job functions,(AdministratorAccess for Administrators and PowerUserAccess for Developer Power Users.)


aws:username - for a specific user or org (org id) 
aws:sourceip - restrict to a specific IP 
aws:Requested region - to limit to s specific region 
aws:ResourceTag:ec2 - limit to a specific resource tag 
aws:MultiFactor - enforce MFA

for S3: for a specific ARN (bucket) or specific object * 


Access advisor - to see permissions granted and when last used
Access analyzer - review resources that are shared with external entity's. (S3,IAM,KMS,Lambda,SQS) can validate policy for best practices, and get recommendations & policy generation based on activity

IAM Role vs Resource based policies

We can use both to provide cross account access to resources - but :

when you assume a role - you give up your original permissions and are limited only to the role

Permission boundaries

control the max permission level for a user or a role. can be used with SCP’s

IAM Evaluation Logic

IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO)

One login to AWS accounts , business apps SAML 2.0 + windows EC2

Identity providers: Okta, OneLogin, MS AD

Best Practices for IAM