
Containers In AWS

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Run multiple Docker containers on the same machine with easy service discovery (networking) and ELB+ASG. can run batch or scheduled tasks - easy to migrate to the cloud.


ECS Cluster - logical collection of EC2 instances

ECS Service - defines how many tasks run and how

Task definitions - metadata (JSON) to tell ECS how to run the container

ECS task - an instance of a task definition - a running container

ECS IAM roles: ec2InstanceProfile (API calls from EC2) ecstaskrole (API to s3)

create EC2 instance role with minimum permissions to ECS

create IAM task role for each service and reference the task definition

supports Dynamic Port Mapping working with ALB to run multiple apps on the same EC2 for better durability and maximize CPU utilization

ECS Anywhere

Run containers in Hybrid architecture with ECS control plane by defining an “External” launch type - use Direct connect (compliance, latency )


Launch docker without managing the infra - just create task definition and specify CPU

Service auto scaling - target / step / scheduled

can inject data from SSM parameter store and secrets manager



Store and manage Docker images on AWS, can setup private and public repository

access is controlled using IAM policy. supports , versioning, tags ‘ lifecycle, vulnerability scanning with ECR Image Scanning (manual or on push. results can trigger event bridge (basic) or Inspector (enhanced)


works with EC2 or Fargate (cloud agnostic)

EKS nodes running EKS pods

Node types:

Managed - (on demand + spot) managed by ASG+EKS

Self managed - register to EKS cluster , can use Optimized AMI

Fargate - serverless


need to specify Storage Class (CSI - container storage interface )

EBS, EFS (farget), FSX luster / ONTAP

EKS Anywhere

mange kubernetes clusters outside of AWS using EKS Distro, need to install EKS connector and EKS installer in Partly or fully disconnected mode

App Runner

fully managed container and code deployment with VPC,HA,ELB and KMS support

can connect to DB’s and cache + SQS

can set multi AZ


run batch jobs as Docker images on Fargate or EC2 (fleet) in a VPC

you can set the managed compute environment (set max price, select spot) or unmanaged (you configure)