
API Gateway

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Expose Rest API endpoint for clients to proxy requests (Lambda, HTTP endpoint, AWS services)

Auto scaling, Versioning, Security, Traffic management

Limits: 29 sec timeout . 10 mb max size (use Lambda for larger tasks - large file upload using pre-signed url)

supports Deployment Stages (Dev/Test/Prod) - can rollback

Endpoint Types

can configure Caching with TTL (300 sec default - up to 1 hour) to reduce number of calls made to the backend - can configure per stage


4xx - client side

400 - bad request

403 - Access denied / WAF

429 - Quota exceeded Too Many Requests - add retry in client side

5xx - server side

502 - bad gateway (incomplete output from lambda proxy - heavy loads

503 - service unavailable

504 integration failure (endpoint time out) - 29 seconds


SSL , Route53 - set CNAME, Resource policy , IAM execution role, CORS (cross-origin resource sharing for browser security)

Access: IAM, Lambda Authorizer - for SAML, Cognito

Login: CloudWatch logs/Kinesis, X-ray and CloudWatch metrics

API Keys

define a usage plan (identity clients - configure usage) can apply quota and throttling

Websocket API - chat / multiplayer

to replay to client define @conection at real time communication - chat

Private API’s

create Interface Endpoint in a private subnet - use endpoint policy or resource policy